Key people to follow in the Vue world

For me, one of the small hacks to keep me posted with the tech/tools that I love is to follow the contributors or creators on Twitter. I like to read about what they're thinking, what they're working on and what are the next improvements for the tools. I even like to see their favorite memes πŸ˜†. So I encourage you to start this 2020 with the right foot following some brilliant people that are contributing to the Vue.js ecosystem in different ways:

Evan You
twitter: @youyuxi

Yeah, let's start with the creator. Evan has been working with Vue.js since 2014, and right now he's the biggest contributor, dedicating all of his time to the framework. On his Twitter account, you can find thoughts about the next steps of Vue.js and sometimes you can find tweets about UFC πŸ₯Š.

Eduardo San Martin Morote
twitter: @posva

Eduardo is part of the Vue Core Team, he's focused on the vue-router. Also, Eduardo is the creator of vuefire, a solution to create real-time bindings between Firebase and your Vue application. He tweets really interesting info about vue/vue-router, next conferences and a lot of memes, really funny memes πŸ˜.

John Leider
twitter: @zeroskillz

John Leider is the creator of Vuetify, the most used Vue UI Library. On John's twitter, you can find updates about Vuetify and the next conferences where he will be participating ✨.

Filip Rakowski
twitter: @filrakowski

Filip is the co-founder of VueStorefront, a headless PWA frontend for eCommerce and the StorefrontUI author, a UI framework. He writes really useful posts about performance and best practices on Stay tuned with his latest tweets πŸ›’.

Chris Fritz
twitter: @chrisvfritz

Vue consultant, and member of the Vue team. Chris helps a lot with the vue documentation on, also, he loves to share tips about Vue app at a large scale  (vue-enterprise-boilerplate) πŸ“„.

Jen Looper
twitter: @jenlooper

Jen is a developer advocate at Microsoft. In 2018, Jen created, a cool community to teach Vue.js to under-represented people. Go and follow Jen to know more about this wonderful community 🦊.

Guillaume Chau
twitter: @Akryum

Member of the Vue Core Team, he focuses on vue-devtools, vue-cli, and vue-apollo, tools that will make you work like a wizard. On his twitter account, you can find information about the latest vue tool updates, next conferences, and other interesting things πŸ§™.

Alex Kyriakidis
twitter: @hootlex

Teacher and co-founder of Vue School, one of the biggest Vue learning platforms, also the author of The Majesty of VueJS. Follow him to know more about the latest courses and I promise you will learn a lot πŸ‘¨‍🏫.

SΓ©bastien Chopin
twitter: @Atinux

Creator of the famous web framework for building Vue.js apps, Nuxt.js. Follow him to stay tuned with the latest Nuxt updates and conferences πŸ’‘.

Sarah Drasner
twitter: @sarah_edo

Head of DX  at Netlify and a mber of the Vue Core Team. Sarah has helped with the documentation on and with the vue-vscode-snippets which is widely used by developers working with Vue.js on VS Code. Do you like CSS animations? well, she has some incredible projects on πŸŒŸ.

Michael Thiessen
twitter: @MichaelThiessen

Michael is a developer working on Vidyard, a video platform created with Vue.js. On his Twitter account, he shares the journey of this startup, tips for creating reusable components, and other interesting stuff. Don't forget to check his blog πŸ“Ί.

Maria Lamardo
twitter: @MariaLamardo

Front End Engineer at Pendo, also a member of She is focused on sharing knowledge about Accessibility (a11y). Follow her to know more about the next conferences and meetups ♿.

That is my top list, but there are other really interesting people to follow like:

I hope you find a lot of useful information by following these amazing people. Share in the comments other twitter accounts that we should be following and stay tuned!

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