VueConf Toronto 2019 - My Experience

I moved to Toronto this year, and I had the amazing opportunity to attend to one of the biggest Vue Conference, the VueConfTO 2019. It was a wonderful experience, I meet in person some of the greatest contributors to the vue ecosystem and learned a lot from their presentations.

This was a very multicultural event, there were participants that came from all around the world, E.g.: China, India, UK, Turkey, Sweden, Mexico, Spain, USA and many more.

The conference venue was in an extraordinarily convenient place, in downtown Toronto at the Marriott Downtown, in case any participant would want to explore a little bit more of Toronto, the main attractions/places were nearby.

The conference lasts 3 days, it included workshops, presentations, contests/quizzes, meals, after party, and a Q&A session with the core team. The MC of the event was Phil Hawksworth who entertain us during the whole presentations with some really funny jokes interacting with the crowd and the speakers.

Talking about the presentations schedule, each speaker had around 15-40 minutes to present, depending on the topic, and between each presentation, the were some short breaks to run contests, I really enjoy that part, even though I didn't win anything 😄. Without any doubts, the trending topics at the conference were the new composition API, what's coming on Vue 3, Nuxt and the JAMstack. And what about the speaker lineup? well, check this out:

DAY 1 (Speaker Lineup)
  • Conference Keynote Address (Evan You) 
  • Vue 3 and Composition API (Alex Kyriakidis) 
  • How to build beautiful Visualizations without being a scientist (Natalia Tepluhina) 
  • A new Router to guide you (Eduardo San Martin Morote) 
  • Vuetify v2+ (John Leider) 
  • Give your Vue apps the power of AI (Chris Noring) 
  • Test-Driven Development with Vue.js (Sarah Dayan) 
  • How to build customizable and reusable Vue components (Filip Rakowski) 
  • Leave your legacy code behind and go Nuxt (Debbie O'Brien) 
  • Got Forms? How to handle Vue Form Validation (Jennifer Bland) 

DAY 2 (Speaker Lineup)
  • Building sustainable enterprise apps with Vue (Chris Fritz) 
  • Vuex Explained Visually (Adam Jahr) 
  • Vue 3.0 for Library Authors (Damian Dulisz) 
  • GraphQL, Hasura, Apollo, and Auth0 for Vuejs developers (Devlin Duldulao) 
  • Building Blazing  Fast Sites with Gridsome (Jake Dohm) 
  • Using Nuxt with a headless CMS to automate documentation (Charles Ouellet) 
  • Focus Management with Vue.js (Maria Lamardo) 
  • Building powerful universal VueJS applications simply with Factor (Andrew Powers) 
  • End-to-End Testing Vue Apps with Cypress (Amir Rustamzadeh) 
  • Lessons Learned Building a Reusable Component Library (Michael Thiessen) 
  • Scripting in style, what's your Vue? (Maya Shavin) 
  • Navigating the JavaScript Error-handling Minefield (Ben Vinegar) 

Q&A Session (Vue.js Core Team) 
At the end of the event, we enjoyed a Q&A Session with the core team, here people ask questions about the future of Vue.js, how to contribute, etc...

Would you like to watch the presentations? the official VueConfTO website uploaded some of them:

If you are interested in learning Vue or you are already a Vue developer, I would recommend you to participate in this type of event, you won't regret it, you will be sharing and learning a lot about this amazing community. I hope to attend the next year, it's a unique experience for me.

And why not? A picture with Evan You 😁

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